How to create your own POI file

In this section it gets a bit more complex and is more of a programmer’s thing.

Using Overpass_2_KML

If you choose to prepare GPX or Garmin POI, you need to walk the manual way. Follow the sections below. 

For Android POIs in KML format, and if you want to get a result faster and more easy, while loosing some flexibilty of course, then use my program:

  1. The program is published on Github. 
  2. Select the green button “<> Code”
  3. Select: Download ZIP
  4. Unload the ZIP File to a working directory.
  5. Read the separate documentation: readme-licence.pdf. 


Goto The query should start automatically. Don’t get impatient, the query takes a while to run!

If it doesn’t perform following:

In the left area enter:

// gather results
node[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“brand”~”.*Yamaha.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
node[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“name”~”.*Yamaha.*”,i] ({{bbox}});

way[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“brand”~”.*Yamaha.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
way[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“name”~”.*Yamaha.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

GPX Babel

Some motorbike dealers aren’t marked as points in Openstreetmap, but as polygons. Thanks to Klaus N., I added the “way” query.

Unfortunately, Overpass exports polygons as tracks, which now need special treatment to turn them into a point. Here is what you need:

Step 1: Create a GPX with Waypoints only.

Example code for GPX Babel:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\GPSBabel\GPSBabel.exe” -w -i gpx,suppresswhite=1 -f C:/Users/hans/Downloads/export.gpx -x nuketypes,routes,tracks -x duplicate,location -x simplify,count=1 -o gpx -F G:/POI/Yamaha-Dealer/Yamaha-Dealer-POI.gpx

Step 2: Now you need to convert the tracks into 1 point long tracks.

Example code for GPX Babel:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\GPSBabel\GPSBabel.exe” -w -t -i gpx,suppresswhite=1 -f C:/Users/hans/Downloads/export.gpx -x nuketypes,routes,waypoints -x simplify,count=1 -o gpx -F G:/POI/Yamaha-Dealer/Yamaha-Dealer-POI-Tracks.gpx


Step 3: Convert the 1-point tracks to waypoints. This is best done using the JaVaWa RTWTool, as RTWTool names the waypoints with the track name, resulting in the waypoint bearing the dealer’s name. GPS Babel provides “Waypoint001” as names only.

GPX Babel again

Step 4: Now merge both GPX files:

Example code for GPX Babel (edit the example to ONE line):

“C:\Program Files (x86)\GPSBabel\GPSBabel.exe” -w -i gpx,suppresswhite=1
   -f G:/POI/Yamaha-Dealer/Yamaha-Dealer-POI.gpx
   -f G:/POI/Yamaha-Dealer/Yamaha-Dealer-POI-Tracks_rtw.gpx -x position,distance=30M
   -o gpx -F G:/POI/Yamaha-Dealer/Yamaha-All.gpx

Garmin POI Loader

Step 5: Convert to POI file:

Finally transform the GPX file to a POI file using  Garmin POI Loader .


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