How to create your own POI file
In this section it gets a bit more complex and is more of a programmer’s thing.
Using create_poi
If you choose to create your own set of POIs, there are two ways.
1) You follow the manual way by pulling data from Openstreetmap using Overpass Turbo as an Interface. The data queried needs to be translated in a second step in the target format.
2) Use my little program create_poi. On a first glance the usage seems to be a littly tricky, nevertheless , as long as you have knowledge about tagging in OpenStreetmap, you may get confident soon. Pulled data is converted to Points
of Interest (POI) or Waypoints
- in a KML format for Oruxmaps (Standard KML)
- in a KML format for OrganicMaps (Special Icon treatment)
- GPX for Garmin including Symbol
- GPI for Garmin Points of Interest (POI)
- The program is published on Github.
- Search for Releases at the right side
- Select “latest”
- Download create_poi.exe
- Download
- Unload the ZIP File to a working directory.
- Store create_poi.exe in the same working directory.
- Read the separate documentation: readme-licence.pdf.
Using Overpass-Turbo
The query should start automatically. Don’t get impatient, the query takes a while to run!
If it doesn’t perform following:
In the left area enter:
// gather results
nwr[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“brand”~”.*KTM.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
nwr[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“name”~”.*KTM.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
nwr[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“brand”~”.*HUSQVA.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
nwr[“shop”=”motorcycle”] [“name”~”.*HUSQVA.*”,i] ({{bbox}});
out center;
When the query finishes, click Export, next GPX and save.
A file export.gpx should be in your download folder.
Now you may use tools like
GPX Babel to translate the GPX Data into the data format you want.
Garmin POI Loader is the most simple way to create Garmin Points of Interest from the data queried in the steps before.